Nielit CCC Examination Steps:
Steps in brief to be followed for server machine setup
1. IP setting
2. Add two websites and
https://nielit.local to the trusted zone in the Internet Explorer.
3. Open ES panel & download resident server setup
4. Install certificate
5. Install VM
6. Install Silverlight
7. Open ES panel and download exam client. Extract it and
place it in C drive. Run it once for host file entry.
Server PC Creation for Nielit CCC Exam :-
First Open The PC that you want to make Server PC for You
Nielit CCC Exam. And Set the Manual IP ( How to set IP Full Information)
After IP Settings Open the Internet Explorer 11 and got to
Internet Option and click on Security Tab and Add The Click on Trusted sites →
Sites Add two websites and https://nielit.local to the trusted
zone then click “close” and then “OK”.
Step 1 :
Install Windows 7 OS for All Computer including Client PCs.
Step 2 :
Download & Install Internet Explorer 11 version to Server PC (
Including all Client PCs)
(If it is not installed, you need to give the necessary
updates manually, the link is given below)
3: Download .Net
Framework Latest Version (i.e. .Net Framework 4.8 or above version)
install process is discussed Here – Read
4 : Open ES panel & Log in and download
resident server setup.
5 : After installation .Net
Framework, Install Nielit Certificate File.
(The install
process is discussed Here – Read More)
6: Now Extract
and Install Silverlight.
7: Now Install VirtualBox on the Server machine. After
installation open the VM and Click on “File” on top left corner and select
“Import Appliance”; following screen will be appeared. Click on “Open
Appliance” button and browse the .ova file [This file was downloaded and unzipped in C:
Drive of the server machine]. The name of the downloaded file to be imported is
“PareekshaV3_30Apr2019 “
8: After import the OVA File Click
on “Settings”, some processing will be going on and then Click on “Start”
Option on Virtual Machine.
Your Virtual machine (VM) is in running state on the Server computer. Just minimize the Virtual Machine Window. Until
the test, the VM must be kept on the server computer.
9: Now Download the File ExamClient
file, Zip file named by “” will be downloaded. Extract
ExamClient. Copy this exam client folder in C drive and same steps are follow
in all client machine.
10: Then Open C Drive and Right click
on ExamClient , Go to Properties option,
and click Run this Program as an Administration, – then Change settings for all
user and again click on Run this Program
as an Administration option and click on Ok Button.
11: Change the Computer Time Zone UTC+05:30
Indian Standard Time Zone. Set Region India from Date and time Settings.
12: Now open C Drive and Find
ExamClient. Right Click on ExamClient and create a desktop Shortcut.
13: Run the exam client on the server
side, this is done to include the websites in host.and Click on Proceed to
System Checks. Then this is done. You can verify it by opening host whose path
is “C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts” and
nielit.local is included automatically